Learn to be a G&T Expert.. At our Gin Masterclass!

The highlight of any visit to ‘Tigh Nora’ must include the personalised Gin Masterclass! You’ll be taken on an interactive G&T experience, learning about the different types of gin, the garnishes to add and the tonics to pair with your drinks. Keeping it fun so you have plenty of GINuine banter!

Of course there will be lots of gin sampling and you’ll also enjoy platters of sharing food after your drinks. This is ideal for groups of girls on a hen party, work social or for a gang of friends who want to try something a little different.

The class is approx 1 hour long and is available from 1pm - 3pm daily (other times may be available depending on day and dates). Price per person is €45 and pre bookings is required by emailing ginmasterclass@tighnoragalway.com.

Put simply.. you’ll be a gin expert at the end of the class ;)